Feb 21, 2008

Guest Room Part 1

I put together a little bit of the guest room last night and had a lot of fun!
Here's my $2 table/desk and my $10 bookcase

I need some pretty desk accessories!

My craft closet is a mess!
I can't wait to unpack it this weekend

Feb 19, 2008

Virtual Tour

You can hear the planes coming in for a landing at the end! Sorry so quick, not much space on my camera.

Feb 18, 2008

Our NEW place of wonderfulness

Gorgeousness!!!!! New clock over the fireplace

My desk waiting to be put somewhere in the guest bedroom!!

YUMMY!!! We love the Victorian look!

WE SO HAPPY!!! He soo tired! LOL!
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Feb 17, 2008

We're Almost Outta Here!

Making sure it's spotless and perfect so we can get our deposit back!!!

The living room--all those garbage bags are full of my clothes.... There's my white desk I'm almost finished painting. I've just got to do the drawer and pull out board and put the pretty rose knob on and it'll be so cute!

Bathroom duty

He always cleans with a smile!!!

Feb 3, 2008

Gonz is at it again...

We found Gonz in a box full of styrofoam and look what he did!!!

He can't be alone for 5 minutes without getting into something...

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Bluebirds in February!